The sport received further international publicity when Foucan appeared in the Bond movie Casino Royale performing many of his Freerunnng Parkour stunts which he is famous for. An early developer of Parkour is Sébastian Foucan who is also regarded as the founder of Freerunning Parkour. Urban spaces are generally preferred where athletes can visualise the surroundings in a different way and discover various means to navigate obstacles. Many regard parkour as a type of non-combative martial art, which can be practised in any location either alone or as a small group. In addition, and more in line with military training, other movements also include plyometrics, rolling and crawling. The movements in parkour include running, jumping, vaulting, swinging and climbing. On the training ground, soldiers moved from one complex location to another without using assistive equipment, and with the emphasis on completion as quickly as possible. The sport of parkour was essentially born out of military training techniques making use of obstacles and various body movements to get from point A to B.